City, County Seeking Input on Laramie Area Growth Plan

Albany County and the City of Laramie are collaborating on the Laramie Area Growth Plan for the unincorporated County area (project area) surrounding the City. The Plan will result in growth policies and a land use plan that will allow us to respond to development pressures in a more proactive manner that results in better service provision, greater predictability for property owners, and a higher quality of life for the community. This effort is anticipated to end by December 2022.

Project Area Map

Why is the Laramie Area Growth Plan needed?

The County and City are seeing an increase of growth pressure in the rural-urban interface at the edge of Laramie. Most of Albany County’s residents (total population of 39,000) live within the City of Laramie (total population of 32,000) or the immediately surrounding area. While growth in our community can be beneficial and allows us to continue to thrive economically, appropriate policies and standards are needed to ensure logical patterns of development and cost-effective provision of services like roads and utilities.

How you can get involved:

Take a 5-minute questionnaire to share your values and vision for the Laramie Area. To participate, click here.

Fore more information on involvement opportunities and project updates visit:

City of Laramie or Albany County

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