Laramie Public Works Projects Budgeted For FY23-24

Capital Construction Fund
Street & Storm Rehab – C-line Phase 2
Street Reconstruction – Chip Seal
Street Recon. – Pierce/Curtis Inter. – Design

General Fund
CIPP Storm Sewer Relining
Solid Waste
Cell 3A & 3B and Leachate Pond – Design
Landfill Concrete Pavement – Front Entrance

SPT Fund
Bill Nye Storm Drainage – Design
Boswell Drive Reconstruction – Design
Palmer Street Reconstruction – Design

Water Fund
Meter Vault Installation and Replacement
Turner Wellfield Optimization
Pump Station Backup Power – North Side Tank – Design
PRV Replacement – Pierce St – Design
Canby-Ivinson Waterline Repl (C-line)
Thornburgh Dr. Alleys Priority Repl – Design
Water Main Lining Project – Design
Downey Renshaw Alley Priority Repl – Design
Zone 1 – 2MG Tank – Design
Grand Ave Improv, 21 – Wister – Design
Palmer St Priority Repl – 13th to 15th – Design
Fetterman-Spring Creek Alley Priority Repl – Design
22nd – 23rd Alley Priority Repl – Design
Treatment Plant Pipe Lining – Design

Wastewater Fund
3rd Street Boswell-Palmer Sewer Repl
North Side Outfall Line
Spring Creek Sewer Repl – Boswell & 5th St
Annual CIPP Lining
North 3rd St – Sanitary Sewer Connection – Design
Priority Sewer Rehab – 22nd -23rd Alley – Design
Sewer Repl – Ivinson Street 6th to 9th – Design
Secondary Clarifier Mechanism Replacement

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