Curtis Street Bridge Replacement To Begin In Laramie
Crews with Reiman Corp. and the Wyoming Department of Transportation will begin the Curtis Street Bridge replacement on May 16th, weather depending.
Once the bridge is demolished, crews will begin work rebuilding the structure. The new structure will be wider, including a left turn lane and a multi-use pathway for pedestrians and cyclists.
During construction, detours will be in place to allow access to all businesses impacted by the construction. Detours are depicted in the image below. Temporary traffic signals will be placed at the intersections shown to handle the detour traffic.
On and off-ramps will be closed intermittently as work on the project progresses. Be sure to follow detour signs.
Residents impacted by the detours will see increased commercial traffic. WYDOT is working closely with the City of Laramie, law enforcement, and emergency services to monitor and maintain a safe detour through a residential area.
I-80 traffic will remain open throughout the project, but will encounter single lane shifts, lowered speed limits, flaggers, and other traffic control devices. Motorists are encouraged to obey traffic control, slow down, follow at a distance, and avoid distractions like cell phones while moving through construction zones.
The project is expected to be completed in September 2023. All WYDOT projects are subject to change, including due to inclement weather and material availability. See a detour map below