City Seeks Volunteers For Boards And Commissions

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in the community? Volunteering to serve on one of the City of Laramie’s Boards and Commissions is a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with the community, plus learn more about its operations. The City of Laramie is currently looking for citizens that share its’ mission to build the community through respect, integrity, teamwork, and stewardship. Board and Commission members play a vital role in ensuring open communication between city council, the City’s administration, and the community.

“Right now, the City has openings on 11 different Boards and Commissions, including the Human Rights and Relations Commission. A lot of position terms are expiring in October so we’re looking to fill them to ensure full membership,” City Management Analyst, Owen Schildt says.

One of the benefits of public service volunteering is its ability to strengthen the bonds between community members. Volunteering offers a unique space to come together in pursuit of common goals. When people volunteer, they work side by side, regardless of background, creating opportunities for meaningful interaction and cooperation, ultimately building a stronger community for everyone.

While the time commitment can vary per board or commission, members can expect to serve anywhere from 15 minutes per month to 1-2 hours.

“The majority of boards meet from once a month to once every quarter. The Planning Commission meets twice a month, but that’s the only board with that level of commitment. As far as meetings go, they can last 15 minutes to two hours, but that’s not a lot of time to volunteer when you’re helping your community,” Schildt says.

To see what positions are open and to apply visit to view all the position openings and fill out an application. For any questions, please call the City Clerk at 307-721-5220.

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