City of Laramie Provides Progress Update on Laramie Area Growth Plan
Since May 2022, the City of Laramie and Albany County have been working to develop the
Laramie Area Growth Plan. This Joint Growth Area Plan includes the development of
cooperative regulations for the County and City in order to help define responsible growth
in the rural-urban interface.

The final draft of the Laramie Area Growth Plan is scheduled to be presented at a joint work
session between the City’s Planning Commission and Albany County’s Planning and Zoning
Commission on January 30, 2023 at 5PM. Open houses on the final draft will also be held at
the following times:
February 23, 2023 11:30AM-1:30PM Laramie Rec Center Conference Room
February 23, 2023 5:00PM-7:00PM Albany County Public Library
The Plan will set the stage for the Intergovernmental Agreement and Regulations set forth
for the Laramie Growth Area which will be adopted a later date. The IGA will serve as a
guiding document intended to solidify the policy direction developed through the process of
creating the Plan.

The purpose of the Growth Plan is to address the increased pressure of rural-urban growth
surrounding Laramie. The City of Laramie understands the importance of growth for a
thriving community and that clear growth policies and standards must be in place to ensure
both legal and thoughtful development occurs. Growth policies like those developed in the
Growth Plan promote and preserve future development and provide a clear guide for years
to come.
Stay informed on next steps and Growth Plan updates by following the City of Laramie
Facebook page. Growth Plan information as well as a growth map can also be found at
Additional information for the upcoming work session will be posted on the City’s Agenda
Center ahead of time.
For an interview, contact Derek Teini, Planning Manager at