Laradise Lane Outdoor Dining Space Opens In Downtown Laramie
Laradise Lane (formerly Hollyhock Commons) is now open offering outdoor seating space in Downtown Laramie.
A team consisting of the Laramie Public Art Coalition, the Laramie Main Street Alliance and the City of Laramie has Laradise Lane (formerly Hollyhock Commons) ready for use! 404 S. 2nd Street (between Undercover Bed & Spas and the Laramie Vision Clinic) has been leased from GH Family Partnership, LLC to provide seasonal outdoor dining in Downtown Laramie!
A group of dedicated volunteers helped clean the space and paint the walls while Olson Excavating prepared the surface. Laramie artist Favian Hernandez is painting a mural commissioned by the Laramie Vision Clinic while Windmill Hill Nursery plans to deliver the flowers for the planters next week. City Parks crews delivered the tables and installed the umbrellas while the Solid Waste Division delivered trash cans making Laradise Lane open for use!
Please respect the space by disposing of your trash, sharing the space with others, putting the umbrellas down when not in use and enjoying local restaurant take-out or a beverage of your choice everyday from 11 AM to 9 PM (allowed through Resolution 2022-28).
Laradise Lane has been made possible by: Paul Etchepare Trust, Laramie Vision Clinic, Undercover Bed & Spas, Motive Coffee Co., Metrohm Rahman, Laramie Main Street Alliance, Laramie Public Art Coalition and the City of Laramie.
Along with Laradise Lane, tables have been placed at the 1st Street Plaza to encourage further enjoyment of our beautiful summer weather.