Local Businesses Invited To Participate In Survey

The City of Laramie, in conjunction with Laramie Chamber Business Alliance, invites all local businesses to participate in a brief survey. Your feedback will help us to better understand business needs and how we can best support our business community into the future. 

We’ll use the results of the survey to assist us in creating an online business portal that will provide access to real time resources and information for both active and aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs. 

Your voluntary participation is completely confidential and will take less than ten minutes of your time. We are excited to be able to offer this new opportunity to our local businesses and look forward to receiving your valuable input! Final date to complete this survey is Wednesday, June 15th.

If you own,  or plan to start,  a business you can compete the survey at:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5C2QHWN

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