Governor Brings Wyoming into Lawsuit Challenging Biden Administration’s Flawed Border Policy

Governor Mark Gordon has announced that Wyoming is among the states joining a lawsuit filed by Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri challenging the Biden Administration’s revocation of Title 42 border control measures. These Trump-era border policies helped reduce the flow of illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border.

Last fall Governor Gordon visited the southern border and joined 25 other governors in releasing ten policy solutions that the Biden Administration could enact immediately to address the crisis at the southern border. Among those solutions was a continuation of the Title 42 orders, an effective tool at limiting border crossings and supporting public health.

“The Biden Administration’s continued failure to fulfill its Constitutional duty and secure our border impacts all Americans,” Governor Gordon said. “When the federal government does not fulfill its responsibilities, states are compelled to take legal action to protect their residents from the impacts of this border crisis. Wyoming will stand by our fellow states to protect our borders.”

The lawsuit “challenges an imminent, man-made, self-inflicted calamity: the abrupt elimination of the only safety valve preventing this Administration’s disastrous border policies from devolving into unmitigated chaos and catastrophe.” A copy of the complaint is available here

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