Take The City’s 2026 Budget Survey
The City of Laramie invites residents to participate in the 2nd Annual Budget Survey, an opportunity for community members to share their priorities on City services and programs as the Fiscal Year 2026 Supplemental Budget is developed. The survey is open from February 26 through April 1st, 2025.
“This budget survey is one of the ways the City of Laramie communicates with its residents,” said Brannen Moan, City of Laramie Management Analyst. “Through this survey, the public can access our budget documents and information in yet another format, while also sharing their thoughts on where they think money should be allocated.”
The City of Laramie continues to prioritize financial transparency and public engagement. In 2024, the City Manager established a new citizen committee to advise on matters of accountability and community involvement. “The City Managers Budget Advisory Committee (CMBAC) has met twice so far in 2025 and has already provided really great insight and advice on how the City can take our effort to make financial information more accessible and relatable to the next level,” said City Manager Janine Jordan. Administrative Services Director, Jennifer Wade, added how “pleased we have been to have the Committee decide to cosponsor the budget survey this year after offering guidance on how to make it as useable as possible for respondents.” More information about the CMBAC’s role and initiatives can be found at www.cityoflaramie.org/bac.
Public feedback gathered from the budget survey will help shape the City’s financial priorities. Results will inform both the City Manager and City Council about how residents prefer taxpayer dollars be used and ensure that budget decisions reflect community values and needs.
Budget survey results from last year are available for viewing at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xszTo8JyyAg
Survey Period: February 26 – April 1, 2025
Take the survey here: https://engage.zencity.io/laramie-wy/en/engagements/f873b4a1-39b5-4a71-bfde-9c95bb5d595f Community members are encouraged to take the survey and make their voices heard. For more information about the City’s budgeting process, visit