Laramie Mainstreet Launches Façade Grant Program

In honor of Historic Preservation Month, Laramie Main Street is re launching their facade grant program. Any business or building owner located in the downtown district is eligible to apply.

There are three categories of grants: 1) Signage – up to $1,000  2) Maintenance – up to $2,000 and 3) Renovation/preservation – up to $5,000. 

The Sign Grant provides funds for businesses to add or improve attractive signage (flush mounted or projecting), an awning, and/or lighting to the outside of their building. 

The Maintenance Grant includes minor improvements or upkeep that do not change the exterior look of the building. This includes replacing worn paint with the same or similar color scheme, replacing a worn awning, trim or doors, rehabbing original windows or bringing existing exterior electrical up to code . These funds can also be used for roof or foundation repair to ensure the building is sealed from the elements. 

For major work that preserves or enhances the façade, such as restoring original features and/or repairing existing building materials such as bricks, tiles, windows, entryways, storefront framing, or original doors. 

Applications will be reviewed by Laramie Main Street’s Design Team on the first Wed. of each month or until funds are exhausted. Preference will be given to applicants that:

  • Maintain and/or repair original historic features 
  • Submit professional plans or detailed renderings 
  • Submit more than one bid with cost estimates 
  • Provide a cash match 
  • Actively support the community by donating to or volunteering with a non profit, serving on a board or commission, participating in or hosting community events

The Design Team, made up of volunteers with backgrounds in planning, real estate, business development, public art and preservation, work to make visual improvements to downtown through good design compatible with historic features.

“We are lucky to have such a great grant program like this in Laramie. The opportunity a grant like this provides to businesses to make updates are impactful not only to the business but the whole downtown. Grant opportunities such as this are a great way for property owners and businesses to begin re-investing in their property and promote a sense of pride not only for downtown but the whole community.” shared Derek Teini, Planning Manager for the City of Laramie.

Main Street’s Facade grant program is possible due to the generosity of Paul Etchepare. Interest from his gifted endowment to Laramie Main Street can be used to make physical improvements downtown. This year, $40,000 is available for grants.

For more information or to apply, visit:

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