Laramie Police Department Partners With Community To Celebrate National Night Out

The Laramie Police Department (LPD) is gearing up for Laramie’s inaugural participation in National Night Out. This is a nationally celebrated community event that promotes police-community partnerships. Since 1984 the National Night Out has been an opportunity for police departments across our country to connect with the communities they serve, fostering camaraderie between community members and law enforcement.

With over 1,700 communities joining this national movement, LPD is excited to bring this event to Laramie.

“This event is a great way for our community to get to know us, and for us to get to know them. We are not just law enforcement or first responders. We are also part of the community in which we serve,” said Sergeant Craig Lenhardt.

Police departments across the country organize a variety of National Night Out events, from block parties to parades, all with the goal to build positive relationships between residents and the departments. Laramie’s National Night Out BBQ will take place on August 6th at Kiwanis Park at 5:30 PM. A patrol car, bomb truck, and the LPD Bearcat will be on display; sure to be a crowd-pleaser for Laramie’s youth. The Fire Department will also bring a truck down for kids to check out. The Laramie Soup Kitchen will generously provide food. Attendees will have the chance to mingle with fellow residents and the LPD while playing yard games, enjoying delicious food and ice cream.  In addition, Aspen Family Chiropractic will host a movie in the park. Zootopia will begin at 8 PM; a perfect police-themed, family-friendly nightcap.

“While our goal is always to keep Laramie residents safe, we’re not always interacting with them during a happy occasion. This National Night Out allows the department to engage with our beloved community in a light, positive way that celebrates Laramie; the home we all love. Sgt. Lenhardt added.

As this goal is to bring the community together, LPD encourages all Laramie residents to join the celebration on August 6th.  This is a FREE, family-friendly event.

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