Displaying Campaign Signs In Laramie

Code Enforcement would like to congratulate you on your bid for public office. In the excitement of a political campaign some rules can be missed or overlooked. Code Enforcement would like to take this moment to inform your campaign of the regulations for sign placement set forth by City of Laramie Municipal Code (MLC) 15.14.120. The City has a responsibility to protect pedestrians, motorists, travelers and other citizens from damage or injury attributed by distractions and obstructions of improperly placed signs. The City also recognizes the importance of an individual’s right to convey their message.

Election signs can be placed on private property with the permission of the property owner. Signs exempt from permitting cannot exceed thirty-two-square feet, in the display area, and cannot be more than 7 feet in height (LMC 15.14.120.C.2.r.).   Signs placed in the right-of-way are prohibited and will be removed immediately (LMC 15.14.120.C.3.f.). 

If you would like to apply for a permit or have questions about signage you can contact the Planning Office at (307) 721-5248 or Code Enforcement at (307) 721-5285

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