“Name The Parking Lot” Winners

Public parking lots and on-street parking spaces are precious commodities in bustling commercial districts. In August, Laramie Main Street Alliance (LMSA) asked for your help to rename the 5 FREE ALL-DAY parking lots downtown in order to highlight the availability of public parking in the district. LMSA had an overwhelmingly positive response to the survey with 242 community members responding.

The winning parking lot names are as follows:

Parking lot #1, at Garfield and 1st: TROUT, with 42% of the vote.

Parking lot #2 between Custer and Garfield on 1st, JACKALOPE, with 72% of the vote.

Parking lot #3 at Custer and 2nd, SAGE-GROUSE, with 72% of the vote.

Parking lot #4 at University and 1st, BISON, with 57% of the vote.

Parking lot #5 at University and 4th, MOOSE, with 65% of the vote.

Located throughout the district, the all-day parking lots are perfect for downtown employees, visitors who are participating in community events, and people who want to spend more than 2 hours downtown.

Congratulations to Linda Valenti who won the drawing for a $25 downtown gift certificate for completing the survey. Linda is excited to use the lots when she comes down to shop local!

LMSA is planning further enhancements to the parking lots. With the help of the Laramie Public Art Coalition, LMSA will put out a call for artists to design new parking lot signage and beautify the lots. In addition, LMSA’s Parking Committee is developing incentives for downtown employees who utilize the lots during their shifts.

If you are interested in volunteering for this initiative or looking for more information, contact Kim Jessen, LMSA Volunteer Coordinator, at kim@laramiemainstreet.org or 406-370-3451, or visit www.laramiemainstreet.org/volunteer fill out a volunteer application.

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