Wyoming’s 988 Suicide Lifeline Shows Promising Results in Mental Health Crisis Response

Wyoming’s switch to the simplified 988 suicide lifeline number in July 2022 has yielded positive outcomes in suicide prevention. Governor Mark Gordon’s recent assessment indicates that the 988 service, alongside Wyoming-based crisis counselors, is successfully reaching individuals in mental health crises.

The Wyoming Department of Health reports that since the introduction of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, over 4,200 calls have been answered within the state. Remarkably, 99.8% of these calls did not require law enforcement or EMS involvement. The ease of remembering the 988 number, coupled with effective advertising, has contributed to this surge in calls compared to the previous year’s 1,800.

Governor Gordon expressed enthusiasm, stating, “These statistics are very encouraging. The fact that we are receiving more calls reflects the importance of this service, and the success in resolving the majority of cases without relying on law enforcement or EMS underscores its effectiveness.”

Wyoming, grappling with one of the nation’s highest suicide rates per capita, considers the lifeline a vital resource. Residents emphasize its value in providing essential support to rural communities disproportionately affected by suicide.

Despite the lifeline’s accomplishments, securing sustainable funding for its continuation poses a challenge. Governor Gordon, who enacted House Bill 65 establishing the 988 system, stresses the need for ongoing discussions and practical solutions beyond its current federal COVID emergency funding, set to last until June 2025.

To enhance public engagement, the Governor’s Mental Health Task Force plans to organize Town Halls later this year, building on the success of previous Mental Health Summits. For additional suicide prevention resources, visit the Governor’s mental health website at https://wygovmentalhealth.wyo.gov/.

Immediate assistance is available by calling 911 for crises. If dealing with thoughts of suicide or emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 or visit 988lifeline.org.

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