WYDOT Releases 2024 State Transportation Improvement Plan for Public Comments

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The Wyoming Department of Transportation is seeking public comment and review of its 2024 transportation improvement planning document.

WYDOT’s draft 2024 State Transportation Improvement Plan is available on the department’s website, www.dot.state.wy.us/home. People can navigate to the STIP web page by selecting Planning/Projects/Research from the menu, followed by the STIP Project Listing subpage, which contains the 2024 STIP PDF and a map where users can make comments or suggest new projects.

The STIP contains a listing of highway and bridge projects, airport improvement work, transit projects and Public Safety Communications Commission projects that WYDOT tentatively expects to contract for during the upcoming fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1. The final STIP will also incorporate WYDOT’s capital improvement projects. The final approved STIP is published annually and updates are issued monthly.

The public can also submit their comments by email (http://www.dot.state.wy.us/ContactWYDOT/?id=128) or by mail to 5300 Bishop Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82009. The deadline for receiving draft STIP comments is Sept. 1, 2023.

Additionally, WYDOT is accepting public comment via an interactive map at https://webapp.dot.state.wy.us/ao/f?p=951:1:116133076854266.

Beyond the 2024 projects, the draft STIP includes a listing of transportation projects slated through 2029. It also includes a summary of pass-through federal funding for public transportation throughout the state.

Projects are listed by county and note the general character of work for the various transportation system projects.

WYDOT emphasizes that the STIP project listing is tentative and is revised in accordance with changes in funding levels, highway conditions and other issues that arise during the advance project design phase.

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