Spike in Vehicle Thefts Spurs Crime Prevention Measures in Laramie

A recent review of calls for service at the Laramie Police Department’s LARC Division has uncovered a concerning trend: within the past month, 10 stolen vehicle reports have been filed in Albany County, with 7 occurring within Laramie City limits. The reports indicate that ATVs left unattended, misunderstandings, and unlocked trailers are common targets.

To combat this growing issue, the Laramie Police Department advises residents to take proactive steps. They recommend locking vehicle doors and steering mechanisms, storing vehicles indoors whenever possible, and parking in well-lit areas under surveillance.

Additionally, the American Automobile Association (AAA) provides four key strategies to prevent vehicle theft. Firstly, owners should practice awareness by removing keys and valuables from sight. Secondly, installing visible theft deterrents such as steering wheel locks, brake pedal locks, decals, and alarm systems can discourage thieves. Thirdly, immobilization devices like smart keys, fuse cut-offs, and kill switches offer effective protection. Lastly, using tracking devices can help recover stolen vehicles.

Residents of Albany County who have experienced or suspect vehicle theft should contact the non-emergency dispatch number at (307) 721-2526. By implementing these preventative measures, individuals can help curb vehicle theft and promote community safety.

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