Private Passenger Aircraft Crash

On Sunday, May 14, at approximately 11:45am the Albany County Sheriff’s Office was notified by the Denver International Airport that they had lost contact with a private passenger aircraft in Albany County. The Albany County Sheriff’s Office, Albany County Search and Rescue, the Laramie Fire Department, and Classic Air Medical were deployed and responded to the area of Dutton Creek Road. Upon arrival on the scene, a passenger aircraft was found crashed. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB) were contacted to conduct a federal investigation into the crash. The aircraft was reported to be occupied by a pilot and one passenger. There are no known survivors from this crash. This is an ongoing joint investigation between the Albany County Sheriff’s Office, FAA, and NTSB. Due to the remoteness of the crash scene, updates will be provided beginning today, May 16, and following as information becomes available. For more information, please contact Sheriff Appelhans at 307-755-3520.

UPDATE 05/16/23:

Upon arrival on scene, a passenger aircraft white 182 Cessna plane with tail number N665B was found crashed. The aircraft was occupied by Lawrence Allen Crosby and Frances Li, both from Oregon. Neither occupant survived. Our condolences go out to the families involved. 

The investigation into the crash has been transferred to the FAA, and NTSB.  Any further updates will come from those organizations as information becomes available. 

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