Results Of Community Partner Funding Program

Each year, The City of Laramie and Albany County provide funding opportunities to local nonprofit organizations through annual budget-making processes known as the Community Partner Program (CPP). This year, 29 agencies applied for City of Laramie  and/or Albany County funding for the upcoming fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, with funding requests totaling $426,250. Specific organizations and details are at the end of this article.

The CPP program reflects the “Power of a Penny!” with funding that is made possible through the voter-approved 5th Cent Sales Tax. Every Year, nonprofit organizations and local agencies interested in this grant opportunity must first complete an application and are invited to present details on how their funds would be used to the Laramie City Council and Albany County Commissioners. This year, 27 of the 29 organizations elected to present at a Council-Commissioner joint meeting on March 14th. These organizations provided a five-minute presentation and responded to questions from Council and Commissioner members.

In FY22-23, City Council awarded a total of $460,645 from the 5th Cent Sales Tax for two programs; the Community Partners Program, which was awarded $210,645, and fee-for-service contracts. For FY23-24, City Council awarded $221,190 (due to rounding) from the total requested amount of $426,250.

Historically, organizations eligible to apply for funding through the CPP fall within one of three categories:

  • Civic/Quasi-Governmental Agencies – like Albany County Public Library
  • Social Service Agencies – like Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Downtown Clinic, & Interfaith-Good Samaritan
  • Recreational, Arts & Cultural Agencies – like the Laramie Plains Museum, Laramie Historic Railroad Depot, & Relative Theatrics

Following the approval of Resolution 2023-33, an agreement will be drawn up with each of the recipients and awards will be released in FY23-24. Award amounts are noted in the inserted chart.

Applications for FY24-25 funding will be accepted beginning January 2024. Watch for announcements published through various media outlets, as well as the City’s Facebook page and website.

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