New Executive Director For United Way Of Albany County

From United Way Of Albany County:

United Way of Albany County is excited to announce that they have a new Executive Director, Anna Cramer. Anna has an extensive history working with nonprofits and United Way are ecstatic that she has decided to join their team.

Anna was born on the east coast but considers Laramie her hometown. After graduating from Laramie High, she went back to the east coast for a few years but returned west and began pursing a degree in Psychology from the University of Wyoming just after starting what turned into a nine year long career at Cathedral Home for Children. While working at Cathedral Home and attending college, Anna met her husband, Nicholas. They married in 2016 and have two small children. After the birth of her first child in 2018, Anna experienced postpartum depression and anxiety and started a small group for mothers to support each other. This group of moms became an official nonprofit in February of 2021 called Mom Club, a 501(c)3 that supports women through pregnancy and postpartum periods and now includes almost one thousand local mothers.

Anna left Cathedral Home at the end of 2021 and spent time focusing on building Mom Club and being a stay-at-home-mother. She started attending the University of Wyoming again, this time to pursue a Masters in Business Administration. Through connections at the University, she learned of the Executive Director position becoming available at United Way of Albany County and knew she needed to pursue this avenue as well. Anna will continue to work toward her MBA and is excited to continue supporting the community of Laramie in this new role.

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