Laramie Area Growth Plan Open House

You’re invited to the Laramie Area Growth Plan Open House on Wednesday September 28th from 5:30 – 7:30 at the Recreation Center at 920 Boulder Drive.  Albany County and The City of Laramie will be presenting the preliminary concepts of the Laramie Area Growth Plan and seeking the community’s input on the future land use map, future land use classifications, joint development standards, and application procedures.

Albany County and the City of Laramie are collaborating on the Laramie Area Growth Plan (the Plan) for the unincorporated County area surrounding the City (see map). The goal of the Laramie Area Growth Plan is to produce a land use plan and an Intergovernmental Agreement that will allow the County and City to respond to development pressures in a more proactive manner, resulting in better service provision, greater predictability for property owners, policy direction and a higher quality of life for the community.

This community-informed planning process started in the Spring of 2022 and has involved the community
at every stage. Summaries from the project’s first phases can be found on the project website.

For more information on involvement opportunities and project updates please visit:

City of Laramie or Albany County

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