Laramie Middle School 6th Grade Orientation 2022

Class of 2029 we are crazy excited to welcome you to  Laramie Middle School! The first step in this process is 6th Grade Orientation.  6th Grade Orientation will be ….

Friday, August 19th – 8:00am-11:30am

  • All students must check-in by 8:30am. 
  • Students will register in the gym.
  • Students will receive a name tag and find a spot in the bleachers. . 

What types of things will we be doing?

  • Students will receive their schedules
  • Tour the school 
  • Learn about LMS
  • Make friends 
  • And learn some great tips and tricks from our Student Leadership Team

*Please note that due to space limitations, families cannot participate in orientation. 

* Families are welcome back to LMS at 11:00 for a presentation from the LMS  

   Administrative team. 

*Orientation for 7th & 8th grade students new to LMS will begin at 11:30am-12:15pm.
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