Aerial Granular Larvicide Planned

City of Laramie Mosquito Control has scheduled the application of granular larvicide to control larval mosquitoes in rural areas adjacent to the City.  The application is scheduled for Friday, June 3rd beginning at daylight.  The product is a granular form of Bacillus thuringensis israelensis (Bti) that is designed to penetrate heavy grasses and brushy foliage to reach water sources where larvae are present, especially in maturing hay fields. The application is targeting both nuisance and vector mosquito larva. The product is environmentally friendly and will not harm fish, amphibians, livestock, or other aquatic invertebrates. If weather conditions are not favorable for the application, it will be postponed until weather conditions allow for the application.

Treatment areas include: irrigated acreages along the Big Laramie River southwest of the City, flooded riparian zones in the Big Laramie flood plain southwest and north of the City, acreages north and west of the city that are irrigated by the North Canal and the Pioneer Canal.

Schedules regarding Mosquito Control and Parks and Cemetery chemical applications for control of weeds and insect pests are available daily on the Mosquito Control and Integrated Pest Management Hotline at 721-5056. The schedule is available at approximately 4pm daily. Spraying information is also available on the City website. Look for the Daily mosquito and chemical application hotline tab on the home page at   For further information contact Taylor Allbright, Mosquito Control at 721-5258; or Scott Hunter, Parks Manager at 721-5257

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