UW Music Presents Tom Hooten, Principal Trumpet with LA Philharmonic

The University of Wyoming Department of Music is honored to present guest artist Tom Hooten, Principal Trumpet of the Los Angeles Philharmonic and one of the world’s prominent classical trumpeters today.

The recital will be held Friday, February 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts Recital Hall. Tickets are $10 general, $7 seniors, and $6 students at 307-766-6666 or www.uwyo.edu/finearts.

Hooten will be joined by Rebecca Wilt nationally and internationally recognized virtuoso collaborative pianist. Wilt has worked with many of the world’s prominent wind instrument performers, as well as some of the country’s foremost vocalists, and has performed in many of the world’s greatest venues in North America, Europe, and Asia. 

Hooten began his career in 2000 with “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band, where he was often a featured soloist. He went on to join the Indianapolis Symphony as Assistant Principal Trumpet in 2004, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra as Principal Trumpet in 2006, and the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2012.He released “Trumpet Call,” his first solo album, in 2011.

Hooten is an active soloist and has appeared with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, “The President’s Own” US Marine Band, United States Air Force Band, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra. As an orchestral and chamber musician, he has performed with ensembles such as the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, National Symphony Orchestra, St. Louis Symphony, Grand Teton Music Festival, Harrisburg Symphony, and the Baltimore Symphony. Hooten can be heard on numerous recordings with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, and the National Brass Ensemble.

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